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1 Settembre 2007

New experimental black widow venom antidote uses human antib
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Registrato: Giu 13, 2024
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MessaggioOggetto: New experimental black widow venom antidote uses human antib
Inviato: 13-06-2024 10:41:20
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Black widow spiders are among the world’s most venomous spiders, with a toxin that attacks the nervous system. While their bites can be treated with an antidote derived from other animals,Billige Sexpuppen a treatment that fully comes from human antibodies would ultimately be safer to use. A team in Germany is now closer to developing this kind of treatment. The potential therapeutic is described in a study published June 12 in the journal Frontiers in Immunology.Teen Sexpuppen

“For the first time, we present human antibodies which show neutralization of black widow spider venom in a cell-based assay,” study co-author and Technical University of Braunschweig biologist Michael Hust said in a statement.Großer Po Sexpuppen “This is the first step to replace the horse sera that are still used to treat the severe symptoms after a black widow spider bite.”

[Related: Black widows battle their even deadlier cousins in a brutal spider war.]

Earth is home to numerous types of widow spiders, which are also called button spiders in some parts of Africa.Anime Sex Dolls The black, red, and brown varieties are common in North and South America, while Australia has the redback spider. The European black widow is primarily found in the Mediterranean region, but its habitat is expanding due to climate change.

A widow spider’s bite can cause latrodectism, a disease where the neurotoxin alpha-latrotoxin in the spider’s venom attacks the nervous system.Riesige Brüste Sexpuppen It causes symptoms including severe pain, high blood pressure, headache, and nausea.
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